Pearl 232: Wander
August 20, 2013
TOPIC: Time and Purpose
"The Lord’s anger burned against Israel and he made them wander in the wilderness forty years, until the whole generation of those who had done evil in his sight was gone" - Numbers 32:13.
Your existence on earth is to consist of more than grazing, breeding, working, and an occasional vacation. Your purpose is to be more than not getting into trouble and it cannot be something as vague as "serving the Lord" or "helping people." God has something for you to do that only you can do, but if you don't find it or don't want it, then you will wander through life looking for meaning in various pursuits as Israel wandered through the wilderness, completing their time on earth with no purpose or meaning. What are you here to do? Are you doing it or are you putting it off until a more convenient time, like retirement or some other nebulous day in your future? Are you engaged in purpose life or just coasting through?
Lord, I sense I'm here for more than I'm currently doing, Don't let me wander like Israel did, but deliver me from myself so i can find and fulfill the purpose You have for me. My vision at times is too small, so help me enlarge my scope of what life is about, and then grant me grace and aid to walk in that vision.