W2D1 - Strategy
January 12, 2014
"As soon as you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the poplar trees, move out to battle, because that will mean God has gone out in front of you to strike the Philistine army" - 1 Chronicles 14:15.
Leaders must help develop and implement strategies for any action a group takes, whether it be a family, ministry, or business. In today's verse, you read how the Lord gave David a supernatural strategy for battle that didn't make any military sense. Therefore, David had to put his trust in the direction He received from the Lord. That strategy was clear and simple, even though it was unlike any other strategy David had received. All strategy requires faith, for those involved must assess where they are and how to get to where they want or need to be. That's not an exact science, so any divine help they can obtain should be useful and appreciated.
LEADERSHIP STEP: Your goals and plans are useless without strategies for how to accomplish them. These strategies must be as simple or complex as the task requires, and should be clearly communicated and understood by your teammates, membership, or family. In what area of your leadership direction is the strategy unclear or insufficient? Whom do you need to convene to develop a new strategy or better communicate the old one?