Saul was tormented by an evil spirit perhaps depression, anxiety, hatred, or anger--or a combination of all of them. This became a problem for everyone in the royal court, yet no one dared confront or deal with the issue, including Saul himself. Instead, everyone tried to medicate and placate him with soothing music played by David. Because of this, Saul became the focus and center of attention instead of God or the needs of the people. When leaders control their situation through moods or preoccupation with their own personal problems and needs, an organizational dysfunction takes root that only grows bigger and stronger unless dealt with honestly and directly by the management team or the board of directors.
LEADERSHIP STEP: As a leader, do people know which one of you will show up every day? Are you consistent with your moods and feelings, or do you have people walking on eggshells around you? Your assignment today is to identify a counselor, whether you think you need one or not, and then schedule time to talk about any personal or personality challenges that may be impacting those with whom you work. Then you should plan on meeting with that counselor or advisor at least once every three months, just to talk. The goal is to prevent you from becoming a problem in your organization.