Week 9 Day 1 - Power

"In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage . . . ." - Philippians 2:5-6.

Jesus had power but He did not use that power to lord it over others or to build his own Kingdom. He used power to do the Father's will and set people free, and then to empower them to live abundant lives. Leaders should follow Jesus' example and not use their leadership power to their own advantage. Rather, leaders should use their power for the benefit of others, even those who don't agree with them or celebrate their leadership. At the end of the day, leaders can devote their power for two distinct causes: building God's kingdom or building their own.

LEADERSHIP STEP: Are you using your power to build your organization and your own little kingdom? The way you know is to look at the benefits your power brings to you personally. Do you have a special parking space or one of the best offices? Do you use your position and authority to get yourself benefits to which others don't have access? Add it all up and see what your power is getting you. Then decide how you are going to use your power for the benefit of others and not just to feather your own nest.

W4D1 - Power

"So even if I boast somewhat freely about the authority the Lord gave us for building you up rather than tearing you down, I will not be ashamed of it" - 2 Corinthians 10:8.

Authority is another word for power, and there is no question that leaders have some measure of power. As a leader, you cannot be ambivalent about this power or try to avoid it. What you can do is learn how to use that power in the correct way, and that is to build up and empower other people around you. In other words, your job is to give your power away, and then watch the Lord replenish it with even more power—but only if you use it for the good of others and your organization. Dr. Henry Cloud states in one of his books that leaders are 'ridiculously in charge.' That means they have the authority to promote change, help people, and launch initiatives—but should not use the power to build personal kingdoms.

LEADERSHIP STEP: Are you fearful or ashamed of your position, power, and authority? Don't be! Are you using your power for all God intended? Attached below is my leadership philosophy. Read it and then write out your own personal mandate of how you will use the power of your position for the good of others and the organization. Once you have developed it in final, then live it, referring back to it regularly to evaluate how you are doing and revising it as needed.

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