A Busy Week
October 31, 2008
The events following my mother's burial ended yesterday and today is the first day of my life where my mother wasn't part of my day. The last four days were filled with preparations, so it still felt like she was around. Now there is a life adjustment that will need to take place -- I have thought numerous times, "Hey, I didn't call Mom today. I need to do that." My sister called her twice a day and said that she almost called Mother to tell her that she died! My sister would call to tell mother little things to keep her informed and that habit will be hard to break. I know the feeling.
It actually snowed on Wednesday when we were at the funeral home but the day of her burial was cold but nice. It was great seeing so many family and friends, just unfortunate that it takes an event like a death to bring families together. The church service at St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church was the best such service I had ever attended. The priest did a great job of explaining the rituals and the service was filled with Scripture readings. I delivered my eulogy in about five minutes, because my mother often said, "If you can't say what you have to say in five minutes, then don't say it." She didn't like long speeches or talks.
I now have to play catchup with some schoolwork and other projects that got put off when I had to spend so much time at my mother's side. I think it's all doable, however, so I am going to spend the weekend catching up and relaxing before the big event next Tuesday, the U.S. elections. I am ready to vote today but have to wait until November 4. It should be interesting and I am prepared for whatever happens on Tuesday, I think.
So have a good weekend and thank you for the outpouring of prayer and wishes of sympathy that were passed our way this week. It was all greatly appreciated.