My TV Show

The first (of what I hope is many) edition of Your PurposeQuest is scheduled to be broadcast here locally starting this Tuesday, July 29. Once it has run through it's local schedule, it will be my property and will be available for the world to view on my new Vimeo channel. For now, the show will be broadcast on channel 21 (if Comcast is your cable provider) and channel 47 (if Verizon is your provider). Here are the times as sent to us by PCTV network:

  1. Tuesday 7/29/2014, 7:00PM
  2. Wednesday 7/30/2014, 1:00PM
  3. Thursday 7/31/2014, 6:00PM
  4. Friday 8/1/2014, 1:00PM
  5. Saturday 8/2/2014, 8:00PM
  6. Monday 8/4/2014, 5:00AM
  7. Tuesday 8/5/2014, 7:00PM
  8. Friday 8/8/2014, 11:00AM
  9. Saturday 8/9/2014, 7:00PM

I really don't have any more information than this, so set your smartphone alarms as a reminder and tune in to the first show. Maggie Johnson and Doug Sprague are on the show to talk about - what else - purpose! When you watch, write and let me know what you thought of Your PurposeQuest and then be watching for more shows as they are scheduled and uploaded.

Voyeur TV

I went to bed early last night and watched, for the first time, some of the show called The Bachelor.  This just happened to be the season's finale and Jason, the bachelor, was going to pick his lucky bride.  If I were those girls, I would have run the other way.  They seemed pretty interested in this loser, however, so I thought, "Oh well, it's your life."

So Jason chose his girl, Melissa, which prompted great rejoicing by the victor and tears from the other girl, Molly, who was rejected. But wait, in the show following the show, we learned that all was not well with Eric as he was having second thoughts.  At that point, I turned it off, but I have learned that "poor" Jason dumped both girls. But alas, all is not lost, for Jason has now reunited with Molly and they have gone off to live happily ever after.  Oh please give me a break.

One claim to fame is that I have never watched what is called reality, but what I call voyeuristic, television (I use voyeur in the more righteous sense of the word: a prying observer who is usually seeking the sordid or the scandalous). I have never seen an episode of Survivor or American Idol.  I am guilty, however, of watching World Wrestling Federation from time to time, which can never be confused with reality television.

All right, I am not quite telling the truth.  There is one reality show that I watch and I love it.  It's on the TLC channel and it's called What Not To Wear (WNTW).  In that show, Stacy and Clinton, fashion consultants of sorts, choose one woman who has been nominated by friends and family because the poor nominee is considered to be the queen of frump.

Stacy and Clinton offer the woman they select a $5,000 allowance toward a new wardrobe and a trip to NY City where they will try to help her understand how to dress for success.  The only catch is that the woman chosen must discard her entire wardrobe and be subjected to snide comments by the hosts as she models what she has worn up to that point in her life.

By the end of the show, the woman chosen has done a total makeover, including makeup and hair, and is re-presented to family and friends where she extols the virtues of her born-again fashion experience.  What's the difference between What Not To Wear and the other reality shows.  WNTW shows someone doing something for someone else; other reality shows have people doing things to others.  I like the spirit of WNTW and think it would be cool to do a show like that offering a purpose makeover to the person.  I would love that.

So Melissa, you will live without Jason, but Stacy and Clinton, keep up the good work.  In the meantime, I have to get back to work. I have enough reality to deal with that I don't need much more from television.

Last Show?

I recorded what could have been my last radio show last Wednesday with my friend Bill Rhoades as my guest. Bill was easy to interview as he shared the impact the purpose message had on him after his traumatic accident in 1995. You can listen to The Purpose Craze on the Voice America archives at your convenience. I consider Bill an expert on purpose; he knows my stuff better than I do and regularly applies those principles to people's lives.

The station has offered me a Saturday time slot at a reduced cost, but unless I raise the money, I won't proceed to renew. I have put it in the Lord's hands, especially after I got my July listener and download numbers today. They showed significant increase over June. I know the show is popular and helpful, but if God wants me to terminate it for now, i am happy to do that. Contact me if you want to be a sponsor or donate.

I have one more day of classes and, after spending 12 of the last 13 days in class from 8 to 4:30, I am ready for a break of sorts. There won't be much of a work break, however, as I head down to West Palm Beach to conduct a Pacific Institute training session with my friend Bill Hobbs and his team at Urban Youth Impact. I get home next Thursday and don't have any travels planned until October. This certainly has been a different kind of year.

While I said I was done with my classes, I am not done with the work generated for and by them. I have several major papers to complete plus the research for my overall program project. My goal is to finish by May, 2010. We'll see if that's realistic. The school already gave us our course syllabus for next February, 2009, and it requires a lot of reading and writing again. This program isn't a cakewalk but I am enjoying it. Some of our discussions about the Old Testament in the New were just too exciting. At one point in class, I wanted to get up and run around, but I contained myself. At other times, I had to fight off slumber.

What are you doing to grow in the knowledge of God? I am not inferring that you must go to a formal school program to do that, but you must do something -- read, listen to, watch or attend a seminar or program. And there is nothing wrong with a vibrant devotional life that includes prayer and Scripture reading. Whatever you choose or have time to do, I urge you to be faithful to it. If I can help, let me know.

Radio Decision Due Soon

I finished up another radio show on Wednesday and it was a good one.  Maria Cedeno was my guest and she candidly shared her own PurposeQuest story that has led her back to law school at the age of 37. We talked about my role as a purpose coach in the process and I know the interview will help a lot of people.  If you get a moment, you will want to listen.

I got my radio show numbers for June and they were great!  I had more than 5,000 listeners and almost 800 downloads!  I am happy with that, but now I am facing a decision. Do I renew my contract after August 13?  I will need $1300 per month to continue the show.  What do you think?  Should I renew?  You can let me know by posting a comment on the site where this entry is posted. 

Perhaps you, your organization, or your company could sponsor a show for $400?  I would be glad to design a show around your cause or work if you sponsor it.  Then you could download the show and use it for your own purposes.  This may also fit into your missions budget, since the show goes around the world.  Perhaps your organization would like to add your ad banner to my announcement page on the station, the same page that everyone who downloads any show sees. If I have the money raised by August 13, I will continue. If not, then I will have to shut it down.  It's your call.  What do you think?  Write and let me know.

I will have Bruce Binkley on again next week.  Here is a summary of the next show:

Episode Eleven: The World is Waiting for You

When you find your purpose, it opens the door for you to go to whoever needs who you are and what you do, wherever they may be.  Join repeat guest Bruce Binkley (whose previous show was How to Use a Business to Fund Your Vision) as he reports on his recent visits to Viet Nam and Zimbabwe to bring relief to widows and orphans.  Learn from Bruce how you can step out of your own world to engage some of the needs in the world at large.

Missed the live show?  This episode is rebroadcast at 9 AM Eastern and 6 PM Pacific. Past episodes are available on-demand and podcast ready.

Listen LIVE to VoiceAmerica!

Questions? Comments? Call in during the show itself at 1.866.472.5787/5788

First Show on the Road

I did my first radio show this week from the road, calling the station from Orlando while I interviewed Gail McWilliams in Dallas.  It went well, or at least I thought so, and I enjoyed what Gail had to say.  Gail lost some of her eyesight giving birth to each of her five children and today is legally blind.  Yet she is in great demand as a speaker and an author, and when you listen to the show you will understand why.  The title of her show is Purpose from Tragedy and can be found in the station's archives.

I listened to my show when it was rebroadcast last night since I am working to eliminate saying "Uh" and "Um."  I did much better than the week before, but the producer sent me an instant message in the midst of my opening monologue and it distracted me for a second or two.  I am still working on how to stay focused while being aware of what's going on around and in front of me.

Next week I am interviewing a young lady whom I have had to privilege of coaching for the last several years.  Maria Cedeno is about to go back to law school and I want to talk to her next week about that decision and how she made it.  Here is the summary:

Episode Ten: The Power of a Purpose Coach

Are you having trouble seeing the greatness in you?  Are you struggling in your current job, unfulfilled and unhappy?  If you are or know someone who is, join John and his special guest, Maria Cedeno, as they discuss Maria’s decision to go back to law school and what role John played in that decision on the next Your PurposeQuest broadcast.  

Missed the live show?  This episode is rebroadcast at 9 AM Eastern and 6 PM Pacific. Past episodes are available on-demand and podcast ready.

Listen LIVE to VoiceAmerica!

Questions? Comments? Call in during the show itself at 1.866.472.5787/5788

The Show Continues

I hope by now you have listened to at least one of my radio shows at Voice America.  I feel more comfortable every week and all my guest's stories will be helpful for anyone searching for purpose.  This past week I hosted Mary Banks, whose business purpose statement includes the word purpose.  Mary shared some of her own PurposeQuest stories and then talked about how she leads others into an awareness of their purpose through coaching.  She and I approach purpose from the same point of view, so I felt like we have a true partnership as purpose mentors.  You can listen to Mary's interview here; it's entitled Purpose as a Business Concept.

Next week, I will host Gail McWilliams, whose story has touched thousands.  Gail lost her eyesight giving birth yet that did not stop her from having five children!  She is now a leading spokesperson for the Pro Life movement and is interviewed and speaks all over the country.  I first met Gail ten years ago in Dallas and we have just recently reconnected. Here is the info on her upcoming show:

Episode Nine: Purpose from Tragedy

Most people will never have to face the decision that Gail and Tony McWilliams had to face. Gail was advised to either abort her baby or lose her eyesight.  They decided to proceed with the birth and Gail did indeed go blind.  Yet that was not the end, but only the beginning of a work and ministry that is now called Generations Global.  Join John as he talks to Gail about the power of purpose that can emerge even from a personal tragedy on the next edition of Your PurposeQuest: The Power of a Focused Life.

Missed the live show?  This episode is rebroadcast at 9 AM Eastern and 6 PM Pacific. Past episodes are available on-demand and podcast ready.

Listen LIVE to VoiceAmerica!

Questions? Comments? Call in during the show itself at 1.866.472.5787/5788

Another Show Done, One Coming Up

I had the privilege of interviewing Dr. Jim Coy on my last episode of Your PurposeQuest.  Dr. Jim is a retired military doctor who is doing great work as an author, teacher and doctor today.  You will learn a lot when you listen to the show, which I urge you to access in the network's archives.  For your convenience and consideration, here is a list of past shows for you to consider:

Show One: Diana Scimone - Write a Book, Save a Child

Show Two:  Sheila Hunt - Making a Major Midlife Job Change

Show Three:  Bill Hobbs - Stop Doing What You Love, So You Can Do What You Love!

Show Four: Bruce Binkley - How to Use a Business to Fund Your Vision

Show Five: Yvonne Brooks from the UK - One Woman Helping Others Find Purpose

Show Six: Kentice Tikolo from Kenya - Purpose in the Third World

Show Seven: Dr. Jim Coy - Purpose in the Military

Pick out a show that is meaningful for you, go to the archives to download and listen at your convenience.  My next show will feature my friend and fellow author, Mary Bank.  Here is a summary of what we will cover in that show:

Episode Eight: Purpose as a Business Concept

Is purpose just something personal or can purpose be used in business as a strategy to help your clients and partners?  Join John Stanko and his special guest, Mary Banks, as they discuss this and other purpose-related questions on the next Your PurposeQuest show.  Mary is the founder of Women of Women Consulting Group, whose mission is “to encourage the hearts of our clients and empower them to live the vision God has for their lives, by seeking His divine plan and purpose for them both professionally and personally. We do this through life coaching, leadership development, innovative workshops, and human resource consulting.”

Missed the live show?  This episode is rebroadcast at 9 AM Eastern and 6 PM Pacific. Past episodes are available on-demand and podcast ready.

Listen LIVE to VoiceAmerica!

Questions? Comments? Call: 1.866.472.5787/5788

Communication Help

My friend, Bill, sent me a link to Church 2.0 - the blog, whose vision is to see all pastors effectively use technology in their ministry context.  If you have a few minutes, you may want to watch this video about effective presentations.  Then let me know what you think.  Does technology and presentation aids detract from the Word presented in Church?  How much so?  What are the limits of usage, if any? Are we in danger of being too gimmicky? (is gimmicky a word?)  

Remember our goal isn't just to entertain, but to hold's people attention so that they can receive the message. How far should we go to get the message across?

Another Show Finished

I finished another radio show this morning, this time interviewing my good friend, Kentice Tikolo, from Kenya.  Kentice has always helped coordinate my PurposeQuest events in Kenya and now works for the Kenya Wildlife Service.  She was and is a natural on radio as we talked about purpose and its role in the lives of Kenyans. 

Next week, I will have Dr. Jim Coy on my show.  Dr. Coy and I share the same publisher, and has a story of courage and purpose that you won't want to miss.  You can listen to the show at 9 AM Eastern US Time on the Voice America network or download any of the past shows from the station archives.

By the way, if you would like to receive an SMS text message a few minutes before the show as a reminder to listen, just send me your cell phone number via email and I will make sure you are included on the list, no matter where you live.

I got home last night from Seattle, where I attended another event with The Pacific Insitute.  My friend Kentice was over from Kenya for the same event.  We are discussing how to introduce TPI to Kenya and we have a lot of great ideas and should be there later this year with a launch.  Kenya will never be the same once we do that.

I realize that I haven't been writing regularly, but much of my time is going toward preparing for my August classes.  I've mentioned that I have a lot of reading and papers to get done and I am on schedule, but using two to three hours every day for that takes up a big chunk of my day.  I will try to do better.