Dr. Stanko Academy

At the beginning of the pandemic, I felt the Lord whisper to me, “This is a good time to raise money.” I StankoAcademythought maybe I had heard wrong, but at the same time, I knew the Lord was directing my attention to the needs of the Dr. Stanko Academy in Nairobi, Kenya.


A few years ago, my partner Pastor Francis wrote to inform me that the school he had founded was no more. The landlord, in an effort to reclaim the land where the school was, had enlisted the help of the local police who at midnight raided the compound and destroyed the school. Pastor Francis was devastated, just like the school, not sure if he could continue or rebuild.

I put the word out and we raised some money enabling him to relocate and build a new school. As God would have it, the new version is superior to the old one (although much smaller) and as a token of his appreciation, he and the staff renamed the new school the Dr. Stanko Academy with the byline “Sweat for Success.”

JSFrontStankoAcademyOver the years, I have supported five of the teachers there and visited whenever I was in Kenya. Last year, Pastor Francis informed me that their lease expires in June 2021 and it would soon be time to move. Oh, I neglected to mention that Pastor Francis also has an orphanage and the children attend the Dr. Stanko Academy. When we raised money for new beds for the orphans last year, they placed the beds in the Academy classrooms, which now double as school room and dormitory—not an ideal situation when children are sleeping inches away from a metal roof on the equator.

Thus, when they move next year, we will need to find a place for the orphans and a school.


Based on their need as well as God’s promise, I am therefore starting a campaign to raise $50,000 for StankoAcademySignthe Stanko Academy by January 31, 2021. This money will have to include the land purchase, the school, and an orphanage to house the children. I am not sure we will have enough for furnishings or equipment, but this is the amount on my heart.

The good news is that, as I write, I have received $27,000 toward the goal and I haven’t even made the formal announcement—people contacted me to give. That represents more 40% of the need—thank You, Lord. I have shared this project with a few ministry partners here in the U.S. who are “all in” and will contribute toward the project as well.

UpakoClassroomPerhaps you would like to make a special gift in memory of a loved one, in which case we would certainly be glad to designate a classroom, the library, or the orphanage with the name of those you wish to honor. Or maybe you simply wish to make a special thanksgiving offering to the Lord in light of His faithfulness to you and yours through this recent ordeal?

Also, this campaign needs to be separate from any of my other commitments to my partners in Kenya, so please keep in mind that this is a special one-time campaign. There is still a serious crisis in Kenya, and I need to continue to send monthly support so they can buy food and other necessities—and I need your ongoing help to do that.

Of course, any contribution toward the building fund is tax-deductible. You can give through my PurposeQuest International UpakoLittlesAssemblymobile app, the Cash App ($stankojohn), Paypal, my website, or by sending a check marked “Dr. Stanko Academy” to PurposeQuest International, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882. 

I have placed this project in God’s hands and will trust Him for the outcome. I am encouraged by what I already have, and know the total amount is well within God’s ability to provide. Please pray for the project that we will find land and be able to build something adequate with the money we raise. And of course, please pray for the orphans and children who are suffering during this worldwide crisis.

Update from Kenya

IMG-20200705-WA0010Here is a report from our most recent sanitary product distribution in Kenya:

This is to give you a brief report on the June distribution. We managed to reach as many girls as possible. The total number of girls we reached is 422 and 69 of them were not present on the distribution day, but were around, so we left them the 69 pieces in their various schools. Once they pick them, we will have their photos. We also had talks with the girls and they really enjoyed and learned from the sessions. We hope to facilitate more learning sessions during distributions in future, as they help us identify the challenges the girls have with regards to menstruation. Otherwise, they are healthy, and we all appreciate the amazing support. Attached IMG-20200705-WA0007
are some of the photos randomly selected from June’s distribution (click on them to enlarge).
Of course, the pandemic has caused a disruption in our normal distribution system and procedure, but I am confident the team on the ground is adapting as best they can--as we are all doing no matter where we live.
IMG-20200705-WA0008Thank you for your support that allows me to send $700 per month to equip these young ladies with what they need to attend school and live normal lives. We have been able to maintain this level of support throughout the months of the pandemic because of you. If you would like to give toward this program which we call WEEP, Women's Equal Education Project, you can do so through my PurposeQuest International mobile app, through PayPal, through my website, or by sending a check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA, 15221-0882. Thanks again and God bless you and our WEEP workers on the ground in Kenya.

Thanksgiving Offering

Here is a report from WEEP, our project that distributes sanitary products to young ladies every WhatsApp Image 2019-11-19 at 7.27.58 AMmonth. Please read the report through to the end and then consider contributing to my ministry's Thanksgiving offering to support WEEP and my other programs for the poor:

With the new scheduling for schools in Kenya, most students are on break for the month of November. With that considered, this month has been a mix of in-person distribution to schoolgirls as well as direct distribution to the schools, allowing the girls who are on break to pick up pads at their convenience. Since school resumes in January, this will be the same method of delivery for the month of December.
WhatsApp Image 2019-11-19 at 7.27.57 AM (1)As WEEP moves towards finishing its fourth year of operation, we are pleased to report that we continue to provide pads to well over 500 girls at this time. In January 2016, when operations first began, we had started with one school and slightly more than 100 girls. Our first school continues to maintain an attendance of three times as many (300+) at present and we have maintained our relationship with seven schools overall. The photos attached are part of the November distributions.

I tell the Lord almost every day, "I owe You, Lord. I am grateful for your blessings and am committed to WhatsApp Image 2019-11-19 at 7.27.57 AM
do Your will--no matter where or what it is." In this season in the U.S. when we give thanks, someone has generously offered a $500 matching gift for the work of my ministry. Every dollar you give now becomes $2. Let's give thanks together as we remember my work among the poor. Your gift this Thanksgiving season will help me continue my work In Kenya and in other places. If we are friends on Facebook, you can give through that fundraiser. Otherwise you can give on my website or by sending a check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882.

Brick Project

A few years ago, a generous donor helped purchase a brick-making machine for one of our
orphanages. Here is a report on what that project has done this year. At the end of this update, read how you can sponsor a project of your own:











10,300 PIECES




  8,000 PCS




   6,400 PCS


 3,300 PCS





Screen Shot 2019-11-17 at 8.32.49 AMThis project has three youths on regular basis and about seven casuals working according to the demand. The three youths are paid their monthly dues from the sales while the casuals do piece work and for every piece they produce they charge ksh 1.5 (that is a penny and a half in U.S. currency). 

We pay all related bills and wages, and the rest of the money is spent in buying food for the orphans. Screen Shot 2019-11-17 at 8.33.05 AMThis business is helping a lot and is covering about 20% of the food budget at the orphanage.

If you are looking to make an investment in the poor as a thanksgiving offering to the Lord for HIs faithfulness to you and yours, please contact me and I can suggest that projects that will be meaningful to you and your family. Thank you and God bless you as you consider how to help the poor.

Kenya Book Drive

It's time for another book drive for my libraries in Kenya, starting now and ending January 15 IMG_5924

WHAT I NEED: wholesome fiction, Bibles, leadership, spiritual, general interest books, kids books
WHAT I DON'T NEED: Textbooks, encyclopedias and other multi-volume reference books, fantasy books that involve fairies, demons, or witches, IMG_5925comic books.

Three ways to donate: 

1. Drop them off in the sanctuary lobby (in the blue bin) at Allegheny Center Alliance Church in Pittsburgh.
2. Ship them to me (write me for the address).
3. Coordinate a pick-up with me.

Remember, the deadline is January 15. Thank you for your help.

Kenya Library Update

IMG_5919As you may know, I have been sending and taking books to Kenya for nine years now with the idea to start libraries in local communities. The idea to do this came years ago IMG_5920when I attended a book launch for my publisher in Kenya at the Serena Hotel. A cabinet level officer for education was at the event and made a simple request: "Our people are bored. Help us start libraries." I thought this suggestion was unusual for two reasons.

First, I had heard Kenyans were not that fond of reading. I had heard the derogatory but somewhat humorous saying that, "If you want to hide something from an African, put it in a book." Second, everyone else who was there that night was from IMG_5922Kenya. I was the only outsider, and I assumed if the Kenyans present were interested in libraries, they had had their whole lives to do something about their absence.

I decided to experiment and bring in some books during my subsequent visits, and the IMG_5923
interest in getting and reading them was intense among my friends. Then I started bringing suitcases of books when i came or brought others with me. Then we heard that people were shipping containers to Kenya with all kinds of supplies, and I hitched a ride, so to speak, in some of their containers to get even more books over. Finally, I started to fill and ship containers with nothing but books, used computers, and schools supplies to distribute to our partners.

IMG_5924During my last visit, I asked to go visit some of our libraries started by Pastor Peter Kihungi. We have two other libraries outside of Nairobi, but there are four IMG_5925started by Pastor Peter and these are the ones I am reporting on in this update. The first and biggest is in the village of Banana, about a 45-minute ride from Nairobi. There we have built a building to house our largest collection, and we now are equipped with Wifi so the youth can use the computers to access information online. The pictures of this library are pictured above (click on picture to enlarge it).

IMG_5941The second library is at the Kawaida Primary School close to Banana. This is a government school that is relatively new and shows progress every time I visit. The IMG_5942government built the school, but the community must supply and outfit it, so we gave some money for shelves a few years ago. As you can see in the pictures, the shelves are not sturdy enough and have sagged under the weight of the books. You can also see the use the books have had. Frederick, the headmaster, has asked for more books and another investment in shelves, which he promised would be built to handle a heavier load the next time.

IMG_5954The third library is in the village of Kikuyu, where there is an Anglican training IMG_5957center used for all types of educational endeavors. The day I visited there was a cooking school going on, and there are Bible classes and many other vocational offerings made available to the people. This library, like our other libraries, needs help with shelves, tables, and chairs. Many of the books they have cannot be put out permanently, so they are stored in boxes and brought out for special occasions.

IMG_5959The fourth library is located where Pastor Peter is currently pastoring at Christ the King Anglican Church in Ruaka, a growing area due to the recent opening of Two Rivers Mall, the largest mall in Africa, or so I am told. The church recently designated funds to build their own storage cabinets that lock, a significant investment IMG_5960that indicates they recognize the value of what they have for the youth of their community. They also established a nursery room with some of the books for the younger children, using a Disney theme, which is quite common in Kenya.

The need for our libraries is for shelving and library furniture. If you care to contribute, you can use my website to do so, or you can send a check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221. If you know anyone or any organization that funds library projects, I know our libraries are worthy investments, and the resources will be put to good use with accountability for the results. If you have donated books over the years, thank you. I am not in the position right now to receive more books, but when I am, I will make the announcement. Right now, if you can help us care for the books we have sent by building shelves and tables, please give generously. Thank you and God bless you!

WEEP Update

In case you missed the announcement, PurposeQuest began partnering with the Women's Equal Education Project in April to provide sanitary products for young women so they can maintain good attendance in school. You can read more about the scope of WEEP's work in this update

Our good friend Belver Odhiambo, daughter of Pastor Francis, is our WEEP coordinator in Kenya who IMG-20180731-WA0049sent these two updates in June, along with pictures. Here is her latest report:

In the 21st century accessing sanitary towels is a necessity and no girl should stay at home during the 'rainy' days or maybe use rugs (yes, the young women use all kinds of substitutes if towels are not available). We say a big thank you to PurposeQuest for partnering with WEEP in making this need a reality by providing for at least 500 girls within Dagoretti Sub-county, Nairobi with  a packet of sanitary towels each month. 

Then here is her earlier report from May:

IMG-20180731-WA0009Sorry for the late update May was a month of many activities but we thank God for everything. We purchased 11 boxes and reached 489 girls altogether. The girls are in good health and are very grateful for the help that has now kept them in school, and they are able now to improve academically. We are also thankful for the big support and ongoing promise which will help the girls achieve their goals in life. Find attached receipts and photos of some girls 

You can partner with PurposeQuest as we support WEEP with $700 so they can purchase all the supplies they need to keep this important work going. You can give through our website or by sending a check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882. Thank you for your help, and thank you, Belver, for coordinating the WEEP work in Kenya. 

Still Need Your Help

After I posted last week that I needed money for my upcoming trip to Kenya. a generous donor called to IMG_8749 say they would match every dollar you give up to $3,000. What a blessing that is! The deadline to give is next Sunday night, May 19, because I depart the next day. You can give through my Facebook link if we are friends there, or you can give through my website or by sending a check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882. 

What we raise from this campaign will empower me to conduct leadership training like I did in 2016 and 2018 (the church's leadership team is pictured here) and also support our other partners in the good work they are doing. It enables me to cover all my expenses as I go and that is a great relief. As I write, I have received $1,186 so if we are going to reach the $3,000 goal, I need your help. Please give today and make the investment to double your blessing through this matching grant. Thank you and God bless you!

I Need Your Help - Again

I am heading over to Kenya in two weeks to conduct some leadership training and to connect with our IMG-20190419-WA0004partners. My first visit will be to Bomet where I will conduct two more leadership two-day seminars, which will make my fifth and sixth seminars in the area. We usually have around 100 to 150 at each so that means we are approaching 1,000 leaders trained in the times I have been there. I am raising $3,000 for those events, which include a video projector, seminar notes, and books. You can give through my website for donations or by sending a check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882. You can also give through my Facebook page.

IMG_20170828_113411In the last several weeks, I have sent money for our little Mary, who is in her second year of secondary school, so she is not so little any more. Pastor Francis reports that she is doing well and her performance bodes well for her chances of going on to university. I also sent money for the Upako teachers, who attended a professional seminar over the Easter break. We are blessed to have teachers who serve the Dr. Stanko Academy on a full-time basis.

Pastor Peter wrote to announce that he opened his seventh area library recently. IMG_3483 Here is his report:

We are well on course to empower Kenya through Education and now we have our seventh library in Ruaka. It's a combination of kids' exclusive library, movie room, and larger library. Thanks for being a faithful partner along with all our supporters. May God bless you in abundance.

Pastor Peter

I sent $300 toward our library expenses.

IMG-20190501-WA0004Then we got this report from Belver concerning the WEEP Project that provides sanitary supplies for young women in various schools. April was the first month that PurposeQuest began supporting WEEP with $650 per month:

We successfully managed to distribute sanitary towels to 534 students in the month of April 2019. Thank you for stepping in, in such a time and may your cup never run dry. God bless! Kindly find some of the girls pictures and receipts attached. Belver
There were other requests and expenses that we met in April. I need your help not only for the monthly expenses but for my trip that commences on May 20. Thank You, Lord, for your faithful provision and thank you for your generous support. I look forward to hearing from you in the next two weeks.

Exciting News: Merger between PurposeQuest and WEEP

In 2015, my son, John III, visited Kenya and heard that many young ladies missed a week of school 52487901_10219188894017049_6532024947974340608_nevery month because they lacked the necessary sanitary products to accommodate their monthly needs. He found this situation unacceptable, so he began his own nonprofit organization named the Women's Equal Education Project (WEEP). He engaged a team of ladies in Kenya to assist and began sending money every month so the supplies could be purchased. The ladies then went into certain schools, conducted a training session (I include pictures of John III in the class as the WEEP team trains), the young ladies registered to receive product every month, and then they could be assured of their sanitary supplies. The result: young women were properly using appropriate sanitary products and could attend school every month without interruption. What a blessing.

The program started in St. Theresa Secondary School with 100 girls, no small beginning, and today services almost 300 young ladies every month in that school. In addition, the program has expanded to include the following schools with the number of young ladies registered following:

  • Riruta Satellite Secondary School - 60
  • Riruta Israel Primary School - 50
  • Kids Empowerment Primary School - 36
  • Bethany Primary School - 70
  • Zeal Covenant Primary School - 22
  • Light Christian Primary School - 38
52487905_10219195743988294_8696288148436549632_nThat's a total of 570 women every month who are provided their sanitary products, and 352 women have "graduated" from the program.  All this takes place for a cost of $650 every month.
After prayer and discussion, we felt it best if we merged WEEP's operation into my nonprofit, PurposeQuest International, so we could assure the team in Kenya that resources would continue to be available and that the program can and will grow as PurposeQuest's donors embrace this important project.
Therefore, as of April 1, 2019, PurposeQuest will officially become the ministry source for WEEP's ministry team in Kenya. 
I have agreed to send the team two $325 payments every month to continue their important work. Will 52638808_10219188894257055_6718129716315815936_n you help? You can make a contribution toward WEEP's work through the PurposeQuest website (just mark WEEP in the memo) or by sending a check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882. My thanks to John Stanko III and his team in Kenya for their vision and commitment to this ministry. It is touching hundreds of lives and making the difference between academic success and failure for many women. I am trusting the Lord and the PurposeQuest donors to help continue building on the foundation that has been established.
Over the years, schools have asked me many times to provide sanitary products and I have been able to help sporadically. This merger will allow me to help our partners more consistently. I am delighted to do what I can to assist the young women of Kenya, and I hope you share my enthusiasm and will support this program with your prayers and finances. Thank you and God bless you!