W11D3 - Communication

"So I sent messengers to them with this reply: 'I am carrying on a great project and cannot go down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and go down to you?' Four times they sent me the same message, and each time I gave them the same answer" - Nehemiah 6:3-4.

Leaders are pulled in many different directions by urgent voices requiring their time and energy. In these verses, Nehemiah's enemies were asking him to interrupt his work to explain himself, his work, and his methods. In each case, Nehemiah turned down their request for a meeting, knowing that it would simply be a waste of time. What's more, he didn't even refuse them personally, but sent emissaries to decline. The point is that Nehemiah had people with whom he had to communicate to get the work done and those who were demanding a meeting were not among them. That's the kind of focus effective leaders need to have.

LEADERSHIP STEP: It's important that you be communicating with the people who are vital to and for your work, while resisting those who just want to waste your time. Who are they? And how are you communicating with them? If it's only face-to-face, then you are limiting your influence and impact to a chosen few. Your step today is to choose one means of leadership communicationtraining, blog, podcast, regular group meeting, forum, video, bookand begin to regularly connect with as many people in your leadership world as possible.

W6D3 - Communication

"A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of" - Luke 6:45.

Leaders can study the technical side of communications and become proficient in email, podcasting, live streaming, video conferencing, and publishing. Yet the Bible is clear that proficiency in communications is a heart matter, not just a skill matter. If leaders want to produce good communication, they must have a good heart--not a perfect one, but a heart that is open, honest, and aware of its condition and need for the Lord. The spoken or written words that come from a leader's mouth are an expression of a leader's heart so if their heart is confused, devious, wounded, angry, generous, or joyful, then those conditions will come through in what is communicated to others.

LEADERSHIP STEP: What condition is your heart in these days? You can tell by the words you are uttering or writing. If you are not encouraging others, accept that it's a heart matter and ask God's help to get to the root cause. If you're being critical or sarcastic, it's a heart matter and not just a matter of controlling your tongue. Ask God to help you face and deal with your heart, and watch your leadership communication improve.

W1D3 - Communication

"I, Paul, write this greeting in my own hand" - 1 Corinthians 16:21.

Communication is an important part of a leader's work, and their personalized communication can be special to those who receive it. A handwritten note, a personal email, a greeting card, or even a personal visit from a busy leader can make a memorable and deep impact. With today's social media options, the opportunities to do what Paul didinvest his own mark and energy into his letterare endless. Yet if you are going to do social media, do not have someone do it for you! Take the time to create and send your own posts, letters, or emails.

LEADERSHIP STEP: Take time today to write someone to encourage them. Then make it a part of your weekly ritual to communicate personally with someone important in your world. What's more, you need to set a social media philosophy for how you can use that media to enhance your communication and build or strengthen relationships.