My February Donor Letter
February 06, 2024
Dear Friend,
I trust your new year is off to a good start and that your resolutions are seeing results! My year has started with some unexpected open doors for ministry, and I want to update you as to what’s going on and ask for your prayerful and financial help.
Prior to Christmas, we had a missionary couple ask if they could come and visit us in our home for a few days to discuss matters concerning their ministry. It wasn’t the best time for company but we knew God wanted us to open our home. And of course, we had a wonderful time during which we were all refreshed.
One of the things we discussed is that this couple had introduced my books in Pakistan where two of them have been translated into Urdu. They asked for permission to translate 10 more, and then asked if I would consider a visit to Pakistan to help launch the book ministry of the young leader there. Of course, I said I would be glad to come, and we are looking at dates late this year or early next year. What an exciting open door to equip church leaders in a country that is opposed to the gospel, but where God is doing remarkable things. I have begun sending monthly support to the translation and distribution team there.
Last September, I was in Colombia where I spoke mostly in schools but also in a few churches. The result has been more invitations from more schools to talk to more young people about purpose. I’m currently working on my next book, Never Too Young for Purpose, that focuses on young people of purpose in the Bible. I will also develop an accompanying parents/teachers guide and devotional. I am scheduled to be back in Colombia in March to address students and will go in June to conduct some leadership training. I have also contracted with a publisher there to print three of my Spanish books, and orders from schools for those books are already coming in.
In west central Kenya, my church friends have unprecedented opportunities to go into high schools as spiritual guides and chaplains. The schools permit them to preach, pray, and conduct chapel and crusade meetings. The pastors are quite busy so I have hired and am paying a young man who will devote all his time to school visits. He will report to me and has laid out a plan to impact the schools on a weekly basis. I could not be more excited as another door for the purpose message is opening for young people.
Stanko Academy
The Stanko Academy continues its expansion with the students and staff occupying new classrooms as they are ready. The orphan dorms and the school bathrooms have yet to be completed, but soon we will see the 42 orphans sleeping in beds instead of on mats on the classroom floors. Generous donors have helped us get this far, but we have a ways to go – and prices for materials and labor increase almost on a daily basis. Whatever money comes in for the Academy goes directly to that project, as does all support for orphans and widows.
I could share more about my other publishing ministry opportunities in Africa and Latin America, but let me end here. Never before have I seen this kind of demand for what I teach, although I knew the need was there. I’m seeking the Lord for wisdom of how to engage and organize these opportunities, but of course it will require resources. Where God guides, He provides, so I have put my trust in Him and am going full speed ahead.
I’m producing materials as quickly as I can and formatting them so they will be around after I’m gone, for I know I can’t visit all the places that request my presence. But I can produce things to send them or that they can access online. I’m recording new material every month and doing weekly broadcasts on social media that are preserved on my app and website. Please help me expand my reach, especially where the doors are open for youth ministry. Accomplishing those things not only depends on God’s grace, it depends on your generosity and support. I could not do what I do without friends and supporters like you, and now I’m writing once again to ask your help.
Any contribution you make is tax-deductible. You can donate through my PurposeQuest International mobile app,, the Cash App ($stankojohn), Paypal or Zelle ([email protected]), Venmo (@John-Stanko-10), Facebook (my monthly fundraiser), or by sending a check made out to PurposeQuest International, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882.
I’m seeking wisdom to more effectively do the things I’m already doing and the new things that are on the way. I’m willing to work hard for as long as God gives me strength. All I ask is that you help me as God directs you. I’m confident He will do the rest.
Thank you for your assistance,
Dr. John Stanko