A Spirit of Fear
Give a Kid a Christmas

A Thanksgiving Gift for the Orphans

My heart is burdened for the 100 plus orphans we have a relationship with in Kenya. This week in America, we will consume more food than many of those children will see all month. What's more, the Stanko family welcomed a new addition this week, a brand new baby boy named Benjamin. Today, I sent an offering of thanks to the Lord in honor of my grandson, and I invite you to join me.
Here is the response Pastor David sent me from his smartphone (here are two pictures of my most recent visit to the orphanage last August):
Brother Stanko,
Thanks a lot for standing with us as a family. It has always been answered prayers even before IMG_3663we make that prayer. Of late we have been hesitant releasing some of the very vulnerable children to stay with their guardians during such school break as usual. The outcome of this has been negative.one girl got pregnant during last  April  break when staying her grandmother. Right now we have more than ten children of such status staying with us in our house when the rest left, so your donations was on time for us to use in taking care of them. May God always bless you.
I was on the way to share with you some of the prayer needs we have as a family.
IMG_3660We currently have a need for building better and spacious house due to my added responsibilities  as an area director apart from the above  cited issue.part of my duties is to host  church visitors  and  missionary we have adopted as an area. Also many church and  community meetings are often held here, some old granny visit their children and at times spend the night here. The list can be long even better washrooms are also a need.
My plan is to do it in phases. The estimate cost is 1.2m khs ($12,000US) to completion. My strength is the tractor we have for local transport and now we have few kids hence can save part of our family small income to purchase the wall blocks and sand.
Pray for us for this dream to be a reality.
Pastor David
Every penny you give will be forwarded to our partners in Kenya, who desperately need our help to feed the children. You can give your Thanksgiving offering through my website or by sending a check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882. Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends!


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