A Ring, A Porsche, and a Blast from the Past
A Spirit of Fear

The Rest of the Beds

If you remember, last August you helped me raise money to help get orphans off the ground and into IMG_20180926_130207some beds. We purchased the bed frames but have been unable to purchase all the mattresses, since money given through Facebook takes 60-75 days to be processed and sent. I was able to send money last week and here is the report from Pastor Francis:

Dr. J,
We bought 18 mattresses today so we need 8 more plus blankets and bed sheets. The children are very happy and excited. Thank you very much for the support. The children will soon be from the floor onto the beds. God bless you and all who stretched out their hands and made it a reality -  Pastor Francis.

As soon as the rest of the money arrives, we will take care of IMG_20180926_141703those other mattresses and blankets. Thank  you for helping to make this possible, but keep in mind that the children have ongoing needs. Please contribute today toward their health and welfare by giving through my website or by sending a check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882. Thank you and God bless you for your compassion toward these children.


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