Goodbye to Kenya
Kenya Tour 2019

Brick Business

My first visit to Kenya in more than a year gave me a chance to catch up with our partners and get IMG_20180711_120654updates on the various projects with which we have been involved. One of them was the brick-making business we helped establish for Pastor Francis and Upako Centre. I was delighted to find out how well the business is doing and how much it is helping them with their 23 orphans and school operation. Here is Francis' report:

IMG_20180711_120731The one brick making machine is now supporting part of the orphans feeding program and this is very helpful. We hire out the machine to local people in the community for a fee but we also produce quality bricks (when the machine is not hired) and sell in small quantities. This is a good project and we will [eventually] expand and add more machines. God bless our donors. Francis.

In addition to that, the delivery of beds continues at the Upako orphanage, with the latest ones IMG_20180711_120627arriving a few days ago. The money for the bedding is coming in and we will be sending it soon. These beds are handmade and I promise you they will withstand a nuclear blast! (I am including pictures that are a bit small, but click on them to enlarge and enjoy.)
I sense, or maybe it's because I want to sense, that someone is considering a significant contribution toward the work in Kenya. If that's you, don't be afraid. IMG-20180810-WA0023(1)If it's not you, then join me in thanking God for His abundant provision and let's call the money in together. If you would like to contact me about a gift that would establish something in Kenya in honor of a loved one or as a gift of thanks to God, please contact me at [email protected]. If you would like to give to my work, you can do so online or by sending a check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882. Thank you and let's have faith for a financial blessing for the orphans.


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