"Here Am I, Send Me!"
Leadership Lessons from the Black Panther

Kenya Update: Almost, but not Quite


I thought we had a confirmed pickup date for our Kenya-bound container last Friday. I paid $5,000 to IMG_0865 the shipping company who then worked with a trucking company to schedule a pick up. That date and time had to be coordinated with a friend who was arranging a forklift to be present when the truck with the container arrived. All was coordinated until we received 10 inches of snow here last Wednesday, at which time the trucking company cancelled the pickup. Then the trucking company called on Thursday to inform me that they had changed their mind and could come on Friday at 2 PM for our scheduled pickup.

Unfortunately, I had released the help and the forklift and could not get them back in time. Now we have to wait till the week of  April 2 to start the process all over again, and that involves the shipping company, the trucking company, the warehouse where the boxes are stored, my friend, and my friend's forklift connection. This is a perfect description of how this entire process has gone since last September when we first began the procedure to ship the container. Stay tuned for an update.

(You can click on any picture to enlarge.)


I received an email from Pastor David Koech asking help in securing a small tractor to help with water DavidAmosGilberttransport. It will also provide a means of support when they rent the tractor out. I have asked for a confirmation of what he needs, which at this point I think is $500-$700. If you can give to this cause, please do so through my website or by sending a check. Info to do that is below.


Here is the latest update from Pastor Francis:

Dr. J,
Thank you for checking on us/Mary is doing great and was with us two IMG-20180107-WA0001weeks ago when they came home for midterm holidays. She is in good health and doing well academically. Her academic standard is impressive and am happy for her. She will be coming home for a 3 weeks holiday starting 6th April 2018.
The teachers are doing great job at Dr. Stanko Academy and the children are gaining a lot. Thanks to you for paying the teachers. We have 12 teachers and we DSC01007  are grateful for the help you are providing including paying five of them. However, I am requesting prayerfully that the payment be extended to the rest of them if  possible so that we retain them to continue giving service to the children.
The ministry is going on but we are doing mid week services in the community and attending Sunday services at RCCG Mbagathi Road.
DSC00984We have not gotten beds for the orphans and still praying.
The bricks project is helping us and the money is used to buy food and pay rent even though its not enough.
Continue praying with us that we find a donor to buy us land and a van  for the orphanage so that we move towards sustainability. Just doing what am able to, for it's raining here. Find attached some photos.
Thank you so much.
Pastor Francis
If you can help with the beds, the teachers salary, the land, or the $600 we already send on the first of the month, please let me know.
Also school fees for all the orphans we sponsor will be due on May 1.
We are delighted that Joel Gray has accepted the position as director of AfricaBookBagz. Here Joel IMG_1090is pictured with our board (Cheryl is missing) at yesterday's meeting. We know you will be hearing more from ABB as Joel gets rolling with some of the ideas he has. It's nice to have young legs leading the charge!
It looks like I will be going over late July or early August for my first trip since last May. I will keep you posted, but I will do some training and checking on the container distribution progress.
Red Donate ButtonThank you for your concern and your help as we endeavor to serve our friends and partners in Kenya. You can donate directly through my website or by sending a check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882. Thank you and get in touch if you have any questions or ideas to raise funds for our friends.


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