Trip to Haiti and Other News
A New Year in Kenya

Thoughts of Kenya

I have abandoned any hope of shipping the container this year, and I am not sure what the holdup is. PeterChurch3We had our inspection (we had to pay for that this time) and have talked to everyone we needed to contact. We just can't get any response or movement! Meanwhile, we continue to pay monthly storage, and the weather is not getting any more conducive to packing. Therefore, I am holding off putting any more pressure on the company until after the first of the year when we have plans of moving all the contents to a warmer storage unit where it can be put on pallets, wrapped, and prepared for pickup. I have given it to the Lord and I will focus on happier things.

PeterChurch2First, Pastor Peter has completed his latest building project in Kenya and it is a fantastic building as you can see from these pictures. We have decided to deliver the container when it finally gets to Kenya to Peter, who has graciously agreed to host it and coordinate its distribution while our friends at Clarence Matheny Ministries move into their new ministry home.

Then we received this update from Pastor Francis at Upako Center and the Dr. Stanko Academy:

Dr. J,

As I prepare a better report for the good work and support you have given to our community touching on the needy lives here, let me highlight on the activities at The Dr. Stanko Academy where the grace of God is dancing in low places.

A brief report on what is going on at Dr. Stanko Academy in Nairobi.

We provide care to 25 orphans who have nowhere else to call home. They are between the ages UpakoFaculty of 3.5 and 17 years. The children stay at the Centre where they receive food, shelter, education, and spiritual guidance. This year we have managed to feed and keep them mostly on 2 meals instead of 3 with money donated from Rev. Dr. John Stanko and friends and with money generated from the bricks project .

Community  low cost school for the needy.

Dr. Stanko Academy operates on a rented premises made of iron sheets-we have class rooms for early childhood development, junior primary and senior primary, office, girls bedroom and UpakoVanKidsboys bedroom, a kitchen and pit latrines. There are 148 pupils attending school here including the orphans apart from Mary who is sponsored in a private mission school by Dr. J. We have 11 teachers working with the children, 5 of them receive their monthly pay from D. John while the rest get what we have for them locally.

Sanitary towels

We have continued to supply sanitary towels to girls in 7 schools within the area and 406 girls are beneficiaries .This has seen the girls attend school throughout the term without being absent because their monthly problem is taken care of by weep project under the care of John Stanko III.

IGA-Bricks project

This year we have made and sold 18,200 bricks. The money is helping in feeding the orphans and taking care of daily activities at the school.

Pastor Francis

Christmas is only two weeks away, and I would like to bless our partners with a Christmas gift. Will you help make that possible? You can give through my website using Paypal or a credit card, or by sending a tax-deductible check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882 and I promise to forward every penny I receive to our friends in Kenya.

Thank you for remembering the poor at Christmas time and may God bless you with the joy and peace of the season! 


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