Trip to Haiti and Other News
November 12, 2017
Here are some things going on and random thoughts on the future:
1. The Kenya container drama continues. We have been informed that we need to fumigate the shoes we are sending (providing a certificate of the process) and also to provide a health certificate stating that there is no leprosy in the sending country. If any of your friends in the U.S. are lepers, please let me know so I can inform the Kenya authorities.
2. I currently have 26 people going to Israel next April, with 13 going to Rome after our pilgrimage. There is still time and room to book your space. Check out the website and then join us for the trip of a lifetime, one you have probably wanted to make for quite some time.
3. I received a surprise invitation to go to Haiti before Christmas for a day of leadership training. I will depart on December 18 and return on December 21, a quick trip. If you care to contribute toward my expenses, please do so using my website link.
4. We have been called to schedule our Kenya shipment inspection. After that, we will get a pick up date. I will need help on that day to load the container with the 800 boxes, desks, bikes and other "stuff" we are sending. I cannot give you a date, but if you think you may be able to help, please let me know.
5. I just sent my latest commentary off to begin the publishing process. That means I will have published commentaries on Matthew, Mark, John, Acts and five of Paul's epistles in 2017 (Paul's epistles should be available in late December).
6. My writing goals for 2018 are to publish two more volumes of my commentaries (Luke and Paul's epistles to the Thessalonians and to Timothy). Then I will edit five of my existing books to make them current plus will author three new books and record two audio books. All that is in addition to the books I will edit and oversee for others through Urban Press.
7. In order to achieve my 2018 goals, I am looking at what I need to stop doing. So far, I have decided to discontinue my weekly radio show and I have resigned an administrative position I held with a school. I am also cutting back from teaching three college classes to one for the next semester. Every productive person needs a to-do list and a stop-to-do list.
8. I am still looking for the last $3,500 to cover all the Kenya shipment expenses. You can give online using PayPal or by sending a check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882.
9. If you are looking for a good devotional and study book for 2018, may I suggest my revised Life is a Gold Mine: Can You Dig It? and the accompanying daily devotional. Both are on sale through my Urban Press website.
That's about it for now.