My Ministry Updates
July 09, 2017
There is a lot going on, or should I say, coming up with my ministry work. I thought I would take this opportunity to update you and give you a chance to get involved. Here goes:
- I have 14 people signed up for my 2018 Israel trip from April 24-May 4, and many have inquired
and more than a few said they are going. There are also 8 people signed up for the after trip to Rome. You can find out more about the pilgrimage at the tour website.
- My next trip to Kenya is February 22 to March 9, 2018. The first informational meeting is on Sunday, July 30 at 12:30 PM at Allegheny Center Alliance Church in room 120 of the Union Place building. Please let me know if you plan to attend.
- My latest book, a commentary on the gospel of John, is available for purchase on Amazon.
- I am ready to ship my next container of books and school supplies to Kenya. This shipment has 25,000 books, 2,500 pairs of shoes, desks, bikes, and a ton (literally) of school supplies. I need help with the shipping costs. You can contribute using PayPal through my website, or by sending a check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882.
- I next speak at Allegheny Center Alliance Church on the weekend of August 19-20.
- I will be speaking at Victory Church in Oklahoma City on Sunday, September 3, in both services.
- This fall, I am teaching two leadership courses at the Center for Urban Biblical Ministry in Pittsburgh. On Wednesday nights, I will teach How to Start a Nonprofit Organization from 6 to 9 PM. On Saturday mornings from 9 to noon, I will teach History of Urban Leadership. Write me for more information.
- I will be in Lagos, Nigeria from October 14-30 teaching at the satellite school for Southwestern Christian University.
- I am working on my second work of fiction that involves lessons from the relationship of David and Saul, as well as from the book of Psalms.
- In addition to the above, I am enjoying my time as president of Urban Press, for which I am involved in many book projects for other people.
Please write and let me know if you would like to participate in anything I have listed above or if you have any questions. And please know that what I do, I do in faith, trusting God for my provision. If God leads you to help me, please contribute using PayPal through my website, or by sending a check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882.