Need Your Help; Heading to Kenya
Library Update; Leaving for Kenya May 7

Upcoming Seminars and Trips

I depart next Sunday for Kenya, so this coming week will be a busy one for me. I have a few things going on this week that you may be interested in, so I thought I would send you this update:

  1. Next Saturday morning, May 6, I will be in Beaver Falls to conduct a breakfast workshop for the L3 Leadership Beaver County Breakfast. The address is: Champion Life Church Offices, 2601 Darlington Road, Beaver Falls, PA 15010. The cost is $10 online or $15 at the door.
  2. Next Saturday afternoon, I will be on the North Side at Allegheny Center Alliance Church, for a time and faith seminar that will focus on productivity, time management, and trusting God to do more. Attendance is free, but you must register online or by calling Julie Federer at 412.321.4333, ext 102.
  3. Don't forget about the Israel 2018 trip. You cannot wait till the last minute for this trip, since space is limited and what is not sold soon must be given back to the tourism officials. Check out the information here and then register for the trip of a lifetime. Also, take a look at the trip to Rome after Israel.
  4. I am also planning my next group trip to Kenya in February/March 2018. The first informational meeting will be on Sunday, June 25, 12:30, at ACAC on the North Side. If you are at all interested, come out to learn more about the trip at that meeting.

That's about it. Let me know if you have any questions, and I hope to see you at some or all of these special events.



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