Mary's Test Results
December 04, 2016
In Kenya, the children take a major exam near the end of what we know to be eighth grade that determines their high school destiny. Their score will decide the schools in which they can enroll. I got this update from Pastor Francis this morning, and thought I would pass it along to you, as well as the pictures he included:
Dr. J,
Mary's National exam is out and we cannot hold back the joy that we have for her. Here we are celebrating her and we thank God in a special way for her.hope at last.
For you, we are saying a big thank you for transforming the life of Mary who will soon be in a position to change lives of other orphans like her. She scored 356 marks out of 500 which is high above average. She will now join high school in January next year. Thank you so much for holding her hand,she now has 4 years to be in high school before she joins University.
She made it because of you.
Blessings, blessings, blessings,
Pastor Francis
What Pastor Francis is saying, in so many words, is that Mary will need help as she
goes on to high school. Of course, we will stand with her, but we can do so only if you help us help her. Your regular gifts go toward Mary and the other children we are helping in a like manner. Will you open your heart and give to Mary and her friends today? You can give through my website or by sending a check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882. You can remember the poor this holiday season by giving to Mary's cause. Please remember that all you give goes directly to the children and causes in Kenya. Thank you, and Merry Christmas from Mary!