The Official Opening
May 29, 2016
I got this message from Pastor Peter:
Dear Dr. John,
We are so happy for how far the Lord has taken us.The library is finished and we are ready to open officially on Monday. Thanks for all the support and God bless all our partners.
Pastor Peter
What's more, inside the library are several other community services and ministries, including a music school, art school, and a barber and beauty school, established through The Five James Foundation under the leadership of Sheran White. This school will take customers and will teach the art of beauty and hair care. All this will bring so much to the community and to the
work of the church in the area of Banana. Congratulations Five James on a job well done!
Next week, however, I will share with you a recent setback we had at one of our venues due to vandalism. Until then, please be praying about what the Lord would have you do to help the ministry that has been robbed. More on that next week. For now, let's celebrate the library building being open for business! Thank You, Lord!