Kenya Library Matching Grant
April 17, 2016
I have written in the past about the new library building that Pastor Peter is constructing in Banana. Below is the update he sent last week along with some pictures and a request for help:
Dear Dr. John,
Here at WAPIS we are good and the library is busy with the schools closed. The new library is in the advanced stage and we are happy about it. In our plans we hoped if possible we can relocate to the new building next month but we have some things we have not fitted, like glass windows, final coat of pain
t and electricity. We need $500 to finish this and we shall be ready to move in.The shelves are needed more and computer desks for majority in the old library are in bad condition and some may not be reused.They will cost about $800. The most urgent need is the first request in order to relocate first and others will do them step by step with the availability of funds. Thanks and receive our love and appreciation from WAPIS - Pastor Peter
Let's help Peter and our friends in Banana to open the library, which will be so much more than a book center. It will have an art school, music school, barber and beauty school, computer center and meeting rooms. Right now, there are two stories but it can eventually go as high as four stories.
This project has been funded and coordinated by Pastor Peter and his ministry team. I have had nothing to do with it, except to encourage them and pray. An anonymous donor has given a $650 matching grant that expires next Sunday at midnight to help pay for these last library expenses so the building can open. Therefore, if you give toward this project this week, your gift will double. That is a good deal for everyone, especially Pastor Peter and the children who will use the new library. You can give this week toward this most worthy project by giving through my website using PayPal or by sending a check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882.
Thank you for your help. I am also attaching a picture of our latest warehouse look where volunteers have been sorting donations for our next shipment. This is one of two warehouse spaces we have and the one pictured here is where the drop off and sorting are done. You will hear more about that in a few months, but for right now, let's help the library open its doors and continue the good work that God has begun in the village of Banana.