Ten Days Till Kenya
Home from Kenya

Packing My Bags

 Lions 2
I am in Virginia for a family gathering, but this Thursday I depart for Kenya with 12 other people. We will be home in mid-March, so I am in the midst of wrapping up all my usual last-minute preparations for the trip. People ask me if I am excited, and I usually respond, "Not yet, but I will be come Wednesday!"

I have taken about 300 people to Africa since 1996, and each trip is different. One thing remains constant, however, and that is that every trip is a learning experience for me. Another question I regularly hear is, "Why do you go back so often? What do you do?" My standard answer is, "I don't go for what I do, I go for what I receive." Not only do I learn something new on each trip, I also experience massive amounts of joy as I meet with friends, associates and ministry opportunities there. I have often described Africa as a blood "disease" for which there is no cure, and for which you would not want one! The picture above is indicative of what we see when we go.

The annual trip when i take others is also special because I get to enjoy the people as they have their own African experience. Whether it is someone's first trip of their seventh, they also have their own unique encounters that add to mine. There are now four people who have started their own nonprofit organizations to address needs in Kenya that they saw as they visited. Those are not things I would have seen or addressed, so I am delighted to see our work expand not only to become bigger but also more diverse.

There is still time to give to the causes we support in Kenya before we leave on Thursday. You can give using PayPal or by sending a tax-deductible check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882. You can also sign up to receive my travel blog updates here (click on the right-side link for "get email updates"). Thank you for your support.


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