Personal Direction for 2016
January is Gone

The John Stanko Library

A few years ago, Pastor Peter in Kenya took me to a small plot of ground that was just outside his home. It was surrounded by other businesses just off the main road. To my surprise, he informed me that he owned this land, and he had donated as the site where he was going to build a library building to house our Banana community library. LibraryProgress1

Then Peter brought out the drawings for the two-story building. It includes the library of course, but also a computer IT center, music school, an art school, a vocational training center, an meeting rooms. He took me behind a fence, and there he had lumber stacked to begin construction along with the foundation stones. I was amazed at his vision, although I should not have been, for I watched him build a beautiful church stone by stone and brick by brick. Today it stands across the street from the library as a beacon of hope for the town of Banana.

Peter had one more surprise for me, and that was the LibraryProgress2name for the building - the John Stanko Public Library. I immediately thought, "Move over, Andrew Carnegie!" Peter has not asked me for money to get started, and you can see from the attached pictures that the construction has begun. My son just returned from Kenya, and he reports that construction is moving along.

Peter did write me over the holidays and I promised I would inform you of the library project and give you a chance to help him financially with the project. Here is what he wrote:

The library project is on the move and we are happy we are on schedule.The WAPIS family is overjoyed by this development. Since the inception of this project, we had planned to secure a $15,000 loan from the local bank with repayment in 60 months. However, because the Kenya shilling has lost so much against the dollar and the government increased the lending benchmark, we feel the loan will be too expensive to service.We wish to appeal to our partners who can partner with us on this can do so. Every two stones cost $1, and we need 1000 stones; steel bars are $10 each and we need 400 pieces; cement is $70 and we need 300 pieces; sand is $200 per truckload and we need 15; we need 10 truckloads of ballast at $300 each.The labour cost which is 1/3 of material cost and will be take care of by WAPIS team. Any support will be appreciated.

Pastor Peter.

Does anything on the list If you would like to buy a brick to help build the John Stanko Library, you can give using this link via PayPal or by sending a check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882. I cannot tell you what this library building will mean for the community and how many more people it will help than the current facility is. What's more, we will not have the rent to pay at this building that we have had at the other facility - it will be rent free. Please pray and then do what the Lord is directing you to do. Thank you!


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