Life Matter - Faith to Replace
Life Matter - Weaned or Unweaned?

Library Construction

I have not mentioned it much, but the Kenyan team led by Pastor Peter are constructing a new facility for our model library we are establishing in the village of Banana. They have been stockpiling materials, and Pastor Peter sent me an update this past week with pictures:

Dear Dr. John,

Library1As we approach the month of December, we wish to give God all the glory for the Library2far he has taken us. We thank our partners who have always been there for us. As I have commented earlier, that we wished to start constructing our new premises fro the Dr. John Stanko library. The work has commenced and so far the foundation is set. We trust God we shall do break by break and we are committed to fulfillment of this dream. I have attached some pictures.

Pastor Peter

Library4Pastor Peter has not asked for any help in constructing this facility. He donated his family's land for the Library3project, and has been building the library like he did his church building - one stone and one day at a time. The library will house a music school, an art school, a computer center, tutoring rooms and of course, and the main library for both adults and children.

This is why we work with Pastor Peter, for he has faith not in us, but in God. He is trusting God for the provision, and that is my attitude and posture as well. I am not afraid to make our needs known to you, but I put the response to those needs in God's hands.

I am asking that you give a year-end gift toward our work in Kenya. Of course, we will be sending our partners year-end gifts to help with the Christmas needs of the widows and orphans. And our orphan school fees come due right after the new year. Please make a contribution today using PayPal via my website or by sending a tax-deductible check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882. Your generous giving has brought us this far in our Kenya work, and I know it will continue to carry us where we need to be. Thank you, and enjoy the days leading up to what I trust will be a Merry Christmas.


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