Off to Kenya
October 04, 2015
I depart with my son for Kenya this coming Wednesday for a quick trip lasting eight days. During that time, I will visit some of our partners, do some seminars for married couples (on how our personalities create opportunities and challenges in marriage), do some purpose sessions and do some one-on-one coaching. My son has started an organization called WEEP (Women's Equal Educational Program), so he will be visiting some local organizations to help establish his work there.
I don't like to let a year go by between visits, especially when I am returning next February with a group. I like to make sure I am up-to-speed on any changes in passport control, airport procedures or the country in general. I am taking money with me to help out our partners, along with some books, computers and other resources to assist our friends.
I am heading up to Kitale for my first visit, and will work with my purpose protege, Irene Mureithi (pictured right), who will be be there for the weekend. I will be assisting her as we work with couples to talk about purpose and personality using the DISC profile.
My thanks to you for praying and giving toward the latest matching grant. You made my trip possible, but I need your help even as I get ready to go. Please pray for traveling safety and consider giving a last minute gift toward the work in Kenya. I know the needs are great since the Kenya shilling has decreased in value against the dollar. That means it takes more shillings to do the same work as a year ago. That is due in large part to the countrywide drought that ruined this year's crops. You can give toward our food fund using PayPal on my website or by sending a tax-deductible check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882. Thank you and be watching my Facebook page and this blog for trip updates.