W48D6 - Influence
December 05, 2014
"For you yourselves know how you ought to
follow our example. We were not idle when
we were with you" - 2 Thessalonians 3:7.
Leaders are almost always teaching, helping to frame decisions, equip and educate workers and communicate vision and values. While much of this teaching is done using words, some of it is done by the leaders setting an example and modeling the desired behaviors, work habits, and relationships that they believe are necessary for success and ethical practices. While people may not heed or pay attention to the positive role model leaders play, they almost always identify a negative role model - and that poor example usually undermines the credibility of the leader and works against the desired goals or vision that leader sets.
LEADERSHIP STEP: Your Step today is to examine the role model you are providing for those who work closest to you. Are you consciously trying to model your leadership philosophy? Do you accept the fact that you are held to a higher standard that others in the organization? Do you also accept that you are a teacher, for good or not-so-good, and your words carry more power if you have credibility in the eyes of the listener? Where can you improve as a role model?