W42D3 - People Skills
W42D5 - Goals

W42D4 - Purpose

"Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many" - 1 Corinthians 12:14.

An organization is not that much different from the church or body of Christ, for both are made up of parts that serve different functions and together serve a larger purpose. In the church, people have spiritual gifts; in a company, each person has talents or strengths. In the church, there is purpose to spread the good news and strengthen and train the members. In business, the purpose is whatever the chosen end result of the company happens to be. When people in the church or business know the purpose and what they are to contribute toward that end - assuming they are gifted or talented in that expected contribution - then usually things run smoothly and there are anointed results in the church, and effective and efficient results in business.

LEADERSHIP STEP: Your Step today is to assess how well your parts understand who they are and how what they are asked to do contributes to the overall purpose of the organization. Go around soon (or hold a meeting) and ask people what the vision or mission of your organization is. If they don't know or aren't clear, then perhaps it's time to redefine the vision or find ways to take the current mission statement and communicate it more regularly and clearly.


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