W38D3 - Self-Awareness
September 23, 2014
"My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes" - Job 42:5-6.
Job summarized what he had been through and concluded that before he lost everything, he had only heard about God. After his ordeal, he had seen God and it gave him a better perspective of who he truly was—insignificant when compared to God. That is a lesson some leaders who are impressed with who they are could afford to learn. Not only did Job see an awesome God and a relatively un-awesome Job, but then he humbled himself, admitting he had erred in his judgment and behavior and vowed to repent, which simply means he wanted to turn his thinking around and move in the opposite direction.
LEADERSHIP STEP: Your Step today is to humble yourself before God to ensure that you, like Job, are not someone who has simply heard about God without a proper vision of who God is. You can do this in several ways. Consider a time of fasting. Perhaps you can do some volunteer work involving menial tasks or serving others in practical ways. Maybe you need to seek reconciliation with someone from whom you are estranged, or ask forgiveness for a situation or relationship you botched.