W35D2 - Coaching
W35D4 - Productivity

W35D3 - Attitude

"He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me" - Colossians 1:28-29.

Paul knew his purpose and mission in life, which was to establish the church of Christ among the Gentiles. He had a clear vision of what he was trying to produce in those believers and he knew his strategy of how to achieve his objective. The key for today is verse 29, in which Paul indicated his attitude toward his work: he did it with great energy and effort, not waiting for it to happen but pressing forward to help make it happen. Leaders would do well to emulate Paul's focus, purpose, and attitude of actively and 'strenuously' working for the cause which God had assigned him.

LEADERSHIP STEP: Your job is not simply to maintain but to lead with purpose, and if your attitude is holding you back, it's time to adjust your attitudeor your work. What is your attitude toward the work you are doing? Your Step today is to ponder that question. Do you have a positive attitude toward your work? Are you actively engaged or is fear holding you back? Do you love your work or is your attitude and energy level telling you it's time to look for another opportunity?


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