Upako Report
August 24, 2014
I heard from both Peter and Francis this past week, and Francis sent some pictures along with a request for the next installment of Mary's school fees. He is also appealing for help with a generator and school fees for Mercy (the tallest girl pictured below). Here is what Francis sent and wrote:
Dr. John,
It is well with us this end and God has mercifully kept us. We are happy and very grateful for the
donations we received.The children have good shoes and they feel the goodness of our American friends. God bless all of you for the donations.
Mary will be going back to school on the 29th and we need school fees and shopping for her. Mercy is still with us and we are looking for help to send her to high school.
Finally we are praying that we find generators to light Upako.
Blessings, blessings, blessings - Pastor Francis
The children pictured above aer showing off their sports jerseys and new shows, all of which were donated and sent over in our last container shipment. We can easily ship a generator if someone wants to donate one, along with bikes, books, educational supplies, undergarments and anything else your heart moves you to give. Pastor Francis has asked many times for help with Mercy's schooling and with an economic development project as well. We are waiting on the Lord for that asssitance.
If you can give to our work in Kenya, you can see from the pictures what a difference it makes in the lives of the children, many of which are victims of poverty and being with parents. You can give through my website for Mary's school fees or any of the above-mentioned causes or you can send a tax-deductible contribution via check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882. Thank you for your generosity and may the Lord bless you for your faithful giving to those in need.