W22D2 - Change
W22D4 - Purpose

W22D3 - People Skills

"He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him" - Isaiah 53:2.

This verse was a prophetic description of Jesus, who wasn't charismatic in the sense of being handsome, a dynamic speaker, or a flashy dresser. Someone who would have been looking for those traits in His leadership would have misread Him and His capabilities altogether. Leaders learn how to read and assess people not by their outward appearances but by their capabilities and the size of their heart. What's more, leaders should seek to develop their own inner person and character, and not pay so much attention to the trappings of power that speak to authority but may not deliver on what they appear to be.

LEADERSHIP STEP: Are you judging people by their outer appearances or your first impression of them? This may cause you to miss their gifts, character, and true value to the organization. Your Step today is to set up time in the coming days to meet with people in your organization to whom you are not naturally drawn so you can get to know them better. You may not like their outer style (or lack thereof), but you want to identify their worth as a person and worker because of their experience and gifts.


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