The Container Drama
June 29, 2014
Well, the container is in Kenya but it seems that we have upset some of the customs officials. With 17,000 pounds of goods in the container, we have six 'new' guitars to be donated to our library for a music school. Since we did not properly declare those guitars we are being fined for an incorrect manifest and for other offenses against mankind. Proposed additional cost; $2,000. Our pastor would call that the dumb tax: paying the price for not knowing what we were doing. Next time we will know and do better. I always say - it's God's money and God's container. Where He guides, He provides.
On a happier note, here is an email update I received from Pastor Peter today:
Dr. John,
Here from the WAPIS desk I wish to report on the progress of the organization. Due to harmonious partnerships we have forged with Purposequest and its partners. As a team our school mentorship programs are a success and many kids continue to access quality education and have a study reference point in our library. Our widows have continued in production of African jewelry [pictures included], which are made from recycled cow horns. Our newest line is production of African kikois printed with
amazing African wild animals [kikois are colorful Kenyan shawls or scarves].The widows have already started a poultry family [pictured here], which will provide resources for them. We wish to thank all our partners whom have planted a seed in this project and have inspired a smile in many life.Be sure that your good work will not go un noticed.
He is the reason for our living.
Pastor Peter
Earlier in the week, I also received this email from Peter:
This is encouraging to hear from your update that the cargo is now in Kenya. This is assuring that the one who started this work is faithful and will bring it to accomplishment. At WAPIS we give God all the glory and we thank you and the team for all the effort you have put toward this. On Monday we are having a consultative meeting in order to plan for the training and the community outreach work on child trafficking course. We have confidence it will be a success.
He is the reason for our living,
pastor peter
I will participate in the child trafficking course when I am in Kenya in August along with Diana my sister-in-law and other family members. Diana's organization is Born2Fly and her work is impacting the lives of millions the world over.
I am not nervous or concerned for the container. I have said all along that the Lord will provide. If you would like to be part of that provision, please contribute today through my website or by sending a check to Purposequest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882. Thank you and thank You, Lord, for your provision, protection and for the privilege of doing meaningful work.