Week 24, Day 1 - Power
W24D2 - Persuasion

Pastor Peter's Turn

Last week, we heard from Pastor Francis. This week it's Pastor Peter's turn to update us on what's happening in his world in Kenya:

Dear Dr. John,

The WAPIS family bring worm greetings from Kenya. We are pushing forward in the center and more
and more people are accessing the books in the library. The secondary school are the students most disadvantaged, for we do not have their school textbooks in the library like we do for the primary students.

But they cannot totally complain for they are accessing our computer services which are working well (although they need to be plugged in to power which sometimes fails us). In general WAPIS is moving in the right direction and all its partners are doing well. The widows are also on course with their new products. Karen Academy and Kawaida School are well and eagerly await the arrival of the books to boost their learning. Thanks for all the support you have accorded us.

Pastor Peter

Even with power failures, lack of textbooks and loneliness, the work continues to progress in Kenya. Any day Kenya Kids now our container should land in Kenya with the additional supplies that Peter mentions. Your ongoing support is needed to help the Kenyans help themselves. I can vouch for the partners with whom we work, for they are trustworthy and account for the monies we give them. Now I am asking you to continue your support of the work there to help children like in this picture.

You can give today through my website or by sending a tax-deductible check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882. Thank you for your partnership and help as together we equip the church in Kenya to do the work that only they can do and that is to change their society with and through the love of God. Thank you and God bless you for your generosity.


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