W21D5 - Personal Development
May 29, 2014
"Moses was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and was powerful in speech and action" - Acts 7:22.
Moses' foundation for leadership was his education; later on in life, God worked on his character. Yet without a doubt, he went to the finest schools and had the best teachers in preparation for what his foster mother assumed was a bright future in Egypt. Leaders cannot ignore their need for training and education, for leadership requires specific knowledge about the discipline in which they lead (banking, education, and the like) as well as a self-awareness that enables leaders to know their strengths and in what scenario they function best.
LEADERSHIP STEP: You cannot ignore your need for further education any longer. Today conduct a search of available programs in or out of your country (or online) without judging whether or not you can afford the time or money. Just do the research. Once you find one, how can you participate? Perhaps a summer program, an intensive seminar, or Saturday classes are possible. You need to make a significant investment in yourself, which will pay dividends to your leadership effectiveness for years to come. The time is now.