W20D2 - Coaching
W20D4 - Productivity

W20D3 - Attitude

"For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart" - Hebrews 4:12.

It is remarkable that a book written thousands of years ago is still 'powerful' enough today to evaluate a leader's thoughts and attitudes. Of course, that is because the Author of that Book is still alive, standing behind the words written to direct, convict, inspire, confront, and encourage those who submit to Him and the words in His Book. What's more, this book doesn't only judge and direct actions, it also analyzes hidden heart matters like attitude, beliefs, and emotions. All leaders enhance their leadership when they not only study economics, accounting, strategy and change tactics, but also have a regular reading and study program focusing on God's word, which has much to say about money, relationships, and business ethics.

LEADERSHIP STEP: What is your relationahip like with God's word at this point in your leadership life? Your Step today is to evaluate whether or not you are learning and growing in the knowledge of God's word. Then you must identify a reading program, study group, coursework, or some other way to become more  knowledgable and intimate with the Bible. Your goal is not just to learn about it, but to allow the Word to shape and guide your attitude, behavior toward others, and leadership decisions.


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