W13D6 - Influence
Week 14 Day 1 - Power Protector

Rest Stop 13

"There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God;
for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works,
just as God did from his" - Hebrews 4:9-10.

There seems to be an aspect of rest or Sabbath that was simply a decision to put work and the things of life into God's hands and not fret or obsess over them. Putting things in His hands involves ceasing from trying to make it happen (whatever the 'it' is) by doing something else that is totally unrelated to the problem or work at hand. Since leaders are often under tremendous pressure to perform and succeed, it is critical that they have this ability to step away and trust God to do what the leaders cannot do for themselves.

LEADERSHIP STEP: Are you involving God in your leadership duties? One way you can do that is to go off-duty and leave Him in charge. Your Step this week is a Rest Stop with no exceptions. Plan a day off and away from work, preferably with family, but alone if need be. When you go, you must go away completely - no email, cell phone or work involvement. Specifically tell the Lord you are leaving Him in charge and then rest from your efforts for 24 hours.


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