W12D6 - Organization
March 28, 2014
“Dominion and awe belong to God;
he establishes order in the heights of heaven" - Job 25:2.
When you think of it, heaven is an organized entity. There is rank among the angels, clarity of communication, assignments given, understood and carried out and punctuality (God is always on time). There is never confusion and everything is in its place and functioning properly. If God values order in heaven, He must also value it here on earth, for the Lord's prayer states, "Your will be done here as it is in heaven." Therefore leaders must spend some of their time and energy organizing their personal and professional world. When they do, they can count on God's help because He is the author of order.
LEADERSHIP STEP: On a scale of 1 to 10, evaluate how well your various 'worlds' are organized - work, family, ministry, school. etc. (10 is excellent, 1 is poor). Which one has the lowest score? Your Step today is to devote 30 minutes to thinking through the improvements you can make. Then make a to-list for next week of things you can do to improve (buy a planner, read a book, consult with an expert, clean off or out your desk, discard things you don't use).