W8D5 - Wisdom
February 27, 2014
"Give me now wisdom and knowledge,
that I may go out and come in before
this people, for who can rule this great
people of Yours?” - 2 Chronicles 1:10.
There is an aspect of wisdom that a leader earns through experience and study. Then there is wisdom that God gives leaders that helps them recognize opportunities and threats for their family or organization. Wisdom also helps leaders 'connect the dots,' which means they recognize patterns that help them discern what is happening today based on what they have seen in the past or what God gives them special insight to see. When Solomon asked for wisdom in this verse, it enabled him to recognize the dilemma presented to him shortly thereafter when two women came each claiming that a certain baby was theirs. Solomon's God-given wisdom helped him make the right decision.
LEADERSHIP STEP: Do you have the wisdom you need to lead effectively? Your experience will not be enough to get the job done, but will also require God's help. First, read James 1:5-8. Then pray that God will open your eyes and ears to receive what you need. You must not second-guess or doubt the process, however, but trust that God will give you what you need, perhaps through others, or something you read, or some thought you have about a past experience.