W8D3 - Self-Awareness
February 25, 2014
"It is a trustworthy statement, deserving full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, among whom I am foremost of all" - 1 Timothy 1:15.
Paul was aware of his state and condition before the Lord. He wasn't being overly humble to say that he was a significant sinner, for he had at one time put people in prison and to death, thinking he was doing God a favor. Yet he didn't allow the reality of his past to hinder him from serving the Lord or becoming a great leader who is still impacting the world. Leaders don't have to hide from or deny their weaknesses or failures, past or present. They simply acknowledge them while looking to operate in their God-given strengths, all the while acknowledging their propensity to 'sin' and shortsightedness. At the same time, they use their failures as learning experiences to make them even more effective leaders.
LEADERSHIP STEP: How transparent and self-aware are you as a leader? You don't have to hold a special meeting to confess your sins, but you do need to be aware when you acted inappropriately or are demotivating your team. In Week Four, Day Three of this study, you were encouraged to have a 360-degree profile done. Did you do it? If not, then take steps to get one done and study the results. Then walk in a fresh awareness that you have blind spots that are negatively impacting your team and begin to restore vision to those areas of weakness.