Rest Stop 5
February 08, 2014
"For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath" - Matthew 12:8.
Leadership's rest day does not belong to the leader. It is not their day to only do what they want, but is rather another day under the Lordship of Christ. He has the right to guide and direct it, just like He does the other days. The beauty of it, however, is that God has 'programmed' leaders to do what He wants by giving them joy in the doing, so the Sabbath rest can be one where leaders pursue their joy in hobbies, travel, sporting events or family visits. Yet His Lordship will almost always direct leaders toward a worship expression during their rest times as well.
LEADERSHIP STEP: As you rest today, pursue something joyful without guilt. Do you have a hobby? Maybe this is time to start one. Is there a family member you can visit today, and then make it a tradition to visit them regularly on your day of rest? And don't forget worship; even if your day of rest is not on a Sunday, what can do you refresh yourself in the Lord? Remember, this day is not exclusively 'yours' to do nothing, but to pursue meaningful activity that is restful for you.