W2D2 - Change
January 13, 2014
"He who was seated on the throne said, 'I am making everything new!' Then he said, 'Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true'" - Revelation 21:5.
Change and progress are God's ideas. Man can distort or resist the purpose of the change for selfish reasons, but nevertheless, change is a positive and God-inspired thing. Leaders are usually the ones who lead change initiatives, first providing a vivid picture or vision of the new reality and the reasons for pursuing it. Then they help equip people to be successful in the changes, keeping in mind how difficult change can be for those involved. Leaders who have a godly perspective on change can count on His help in the process so the change is carried out in the best way possible.
LEADERSHIP STEP: Perhaps it's time to consider a change initiative in your family or organization. Are you prepared to lead that change? Before you do, make sure you are clear about what kind of change you want. Take some time today to write or sketch out the change. What will it look like when it's done? Be specific so then you can graphically explain the end you have in mind with those who will be impacted and affected. Then it will also be easier to develop a plan to achieve the change, managing the process along the way.