Thanks from Kenya
January 05, 2014
I was away over the holidays and had little Internet access, but I wanted to share with you the update and thank you I received from Pastor Peter in Banana. I wanted you to see what your giving means to the people there, and also to thank you for making this possible.
Dear Dr. John,
As we approach the end of this year we are greatly grateful and indebted for all the support you have accorded us in the year 2013. The whole team of WAPIS family was surprised and amazed for all the strides we have made this year. We wish to acknowledge that with the help of God and with all the support you have accorded to us, we have truly seen transformation in our society. It’s true that we cannot save everyone, but in the lives of the few we have touched, their lives will never be the same again.
Today we can humbly say that our community is not where it was before you come in and our neighborhood are now more informed for the continuous flow of books you supply to us. Truly the testimonies that you will hear in March will be an indicator of what God is doing.T he library has been a key instrument in empowering people with knowledge and the widows' program is another milestone in bringing sustainability.
As a team we are anticipating for the year 2014 when our library and the computer ICT CENTER will be fully function able.
Our prayers to you and all the supporters of PurposeQuest is that God’s favor and blessings may be upon you in the year 2014, and may you never tire in doing good.
He is the reason for our living.
Pastor Peter
Again thank you for your support in 2013. I am looking forward to 2014 with great anticipation, and I hope you are too. You can give any time to the work in Kenya, where I will be returning on February 27. You can give as always through my website or by sending a tax-deductible check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882. Thank you and God bless you for impacting Peter and his friends through your giving.