Pearl 356: Tree of Life
Pearl 358: A Man Named Nehemiah

Pearl 357: Spending Time

TOPIC: Time and Values

"You yourselves know that these hands of mine have supplied my own needs and the needs of my companions" - Acts 20:34.

Paul had a life and ministry value not to be a financial burden on his converts so the gospel would not be criticized or connected to traveling teachers who worked for pay and were common in his day. (Plus, no rabbi every taught God's word in return for money.) He did not just talk or think about that value. That value impacted his time and determined how he was going to spend the hours in his day. Paul did not work first and foremost to make money; he worked to express his values and to support and further his apostolic mission. How are you spending your time? Is your time management values-driven, or do you sell yourself to the loudest, most urgent or lucrative bidder? Why do you work and do what you do? Is it simply to make money? If so, then money is your highest value. Is that how you want it to spend your time or live your life?

Lord, I often say 'it's not about the money,' but then proceed to invest my precious time like it's all about the money. I know I need money, but I need purpose even more and therefore I must learn to spend my time to support my purpose, not my eating habits. I need to change my thinking where my time is concerned. Help me!


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