Pearl 305: It Finds You
November 01, 2013
TOPIC: Purpose and Joseph
"Joseph had a dream, and when he told it to his brothers, they hated him all the more" - Genesis 37:5.
Joseph didn't go looking for purpose; his purpose came looking for him. One night, when his conscious defenses were down, God sent him a dream that he would become the leader of all his brothers and family, even though he was not the oldest. In fact, God sent him two dreams, just to confirm His choice and Joseph's purpose. After that, circumstances unfolded beyond his control that ensured he would find and fulfill his purpose. What situation or problem always seems to seek and find you for your help? What has the Lord shown you about you that He has not shown others? What calling or purpose sets you apart from everyone else?
Lord, I have often made purpose my personal quest, when it isn't a quest at all—it's a response to Your initiative and call in my life. Today I rest in Your ability to communicate with me and not my ability to seek or hear. I accept my distinctive purpose before I know what it is and I thank You for it in advance.