Pearl 295: Controlling Fear
Pearl 297: Faith's Purpose

Pearl 296: Flow

TOPIC: Faith and Impact

"Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said,
rivers of living water will flow from within them" - John 7:38.

When you put your faith in Christ, then living water should emanate from you that brings life to those around you. The water that flows from you should not be bitter or salty, but it should taste like you - be flavored with your gifts, purpose, experiences, perspective and unique wisdom. These waters should not be artificially flavored as you try to be someone other than who God made you to be. Are waters flowing from you due to your faith in Christ? Are these waters flowing from you freely and with great force? Who is being touched and sustained by your waters?

Lord, I want my faith in You to impact others and that means I must not dam up the water that You want to flow from me. My fear of being myself can be one thing that stops my waters, along with trying to be someone other than who You intended me to be. From this day forward, I will let my inner waters flow.


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