Pearl 292: Ask and Give Thanks
My Trip to Kenya

Pearl 293: The Blessing of Faith

TOPIC: Faith and Promises    

"'Blessed is she who has believed
that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!'" - Luke 1:45.

This is what the angel Gabriel said to Mary when she responded positively and in faith to his announcement of her pregnancy. That is how God works: He promises and then expects you to trust Him to fulfill His promises before You ever see the results. Your faith response is what holds the blessing, for it enables you to see and savor the promise long before the results are evident to others. Has the Lord made any promises to you? What are they? Have you received them in faith? Are you living in the blessing of those promises every day, even though you don't see when or how they can come about?

Lord, I read Your word and listen for Your voice, and I see and hear Your promises. Today, I understand that I am blessed when I receive them in faith, not just when I ultimately receive the end result of those promises. Thank You for Your faithfulness that allows me to live in the blessing of faith every day.


Judy Michael

A wonderful reminder to choose how I remember and respond to those promises. I do often tie my response to the outcome.
Thanks john.

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