Pearl 293: The Blessing of Faith
Library Video and Report

My Trip to Kenya

I had a whirlwind trip to Kenya, spending eight days there, busy from day to night until the moment I got on the plane to return. I visited all our contacts and partners there, talked to many others by phone, and laid the foundation for our return visit next March with a team of people.  I thought I would provide some of the reports of my time in Kenya, starting with Alice at Each One Touch One Orphanage:

Dear Dr. John,

We are well and thank the Almighty God for that.  Hope you too are fine. EOTOO Kids Sing

This is a thank you note from Alice and the Children and on behalf of all the other EOTOO members.

EOTOO Self PicYou visited and left the children very happy and feeling loved.  You bought all our beadwork and have set a basis for a bigger purchase of the raw material for the next sale.  You uplifted us through Sophia so the children have food to eat.  All these things can not be done by any ordinary person. It has to be one that God has chosen to use to uplift the lives of others. We request Him to continue blessing you and your family and all those that support you in the work that you do - serving others.

The Sophia Fund $1,000 translated into Kshs 84,800.00 for the food account.  That was yesterday and it Kids Jewelrywas banked in the EOTOO children's account immediately.

The bead money of $150 translated into Kshs 12,720.00 and will be used to purchase more beads and better tools to help improve the quality of the craftsmanship.It has not been banked but has been entered as a receipt  in the beads Cash Book.  We want to make variety and it will be nice to get a feed back Girls w Jewelryfrom you on which type of beads you think will do well on your side so we can start focusing on the market.

I am following up with two headteachers for an estimate of both Tobias and Jackson's school requirements next year.  Will update you the soonest.

We wish you all the best even as you prepare to return home.

Warm regards


You can click on the pictures above to get a better view. The beaded jewelry is a project that the children are working on. They seem to be having fun and learning something at the same time. I bought their entire inventory for $150 and will be selling it as we have opportunity here at home. We are also looking at sponsoring two of the young boys to go on to boarding school to help them make progress educationally. If you would like to purchase some or if you can contribute to the cause with these orphans, please let me know.  You can give through my website or by sending a tax-deductible check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882.  Thank you for helping ot make my visit a blessing to those whom we helped and for me as well.


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