Pearl 272: Fitting God In
September 29, 2013
TOPIC: Organization and Routine
“Three times a year you are to
celebrate a festival to me" - Exodus 23:14.
Israel was not to fit God into their busy schedule. Rather, they were to arrange their schedule around God's priorities and make the trip to Jerusalem, no matter how inconvenient or costly. That is how your routine should be. You don't fit in church worship service, for instance, but instead you schedule your week around church. You don't work God into your professional schedule; you organize your professional schedule around God. Is this perspective correct? Is that possible in today's busy world? What would it cost you to do what is being suggested here? What changes would you have to make?
Lord, I confess that I have become so busy that I look to fit You into my schedule, whether that's fulfilling my purpose, serving others or contributing my gifts and time in my church. Help me, Lord, to change my perspective and then to have the courage to rearrange my world around Your priorities.