Pearl 271: Heavenly Order
September 28, 2013
TOPIC: Organization and Spirituality
“Dominion and awe belong to God;
he establishes order in the heights of heaven" - Job 25:2.
When you think of it, heaven is an organized entity. There is rank among the angels, clarity of communication, assignments given, understood and carried out and punctuality (God is always on time). There is never confusion and everything is in its place and functioning properly. If God values order in heaven, He must also value it here on earth, for the Lord's prayer states, "Your will be done here as it is in heaven." Does your world reflect the order of heaven? Do you place a high value on this kind of order? Does that fact that order if important to God make it more important to you?
Lord, organization must be a spiritual exercise, for You carry it out in the heights of heaven! If it's that important to You, then I accept the fact that it's important here in my earthly world. Give me Your vision for the role of order and I vow to carry it out to the best of my ability in the world You have assigned me here.