Pearl 265: Neatnik
Pearl 266: Precautions

Another Kenya Distribution

I received an update from Pastor Peter this week, which he had promised a while ago. I know it's not easy for him to send me these updates, so I try not to pressure him when I don't hear.  I am taking over eight computers when I go over in two weeks, which we will use to establish a computer center in the library (total cost to get the donated computers ready: $3000, all paid, thanks to you). At any rate, here is his report with some pictures:

Banana BoxesDear Dr. John,
We take this chance to update you on WAPIS happenings. The past one week has been gaood week and we have embarked on the second phase of distribution of the goods you sent last time. We have given Upako Center six boxes comprising of two cartons jeans, two of kids books, pencils and and two of games.
We have sent to Karen Academy (pictured below left with Headmistress Gladys Nyambura) once more books, pencils, jeans and writing materials. The ladies Banana Boyswere happy, for we supplied them with sanitary pads, which is a big relief since the majority miss 56 days per school year during their period's cycle and, as a result, many perform poorly or use other unhygienic means, which Peter and Gladysendangers their health. The two groups wish to send their  best regards for all the support you continue accord to them. As for WAPIS we thank you for trusting us in this noble task and we give God all the glory. To all our partners we pray to God to bless all of you and always guide you in his path.
He is the reason for our living.

Pastor Peter

I am sorry to include a discussion of sanitary pads (pictured right), but that is such a critical need - we are always asked if Banana Bluewe can help with those and of course we are only too happy to comply. And we are delighted that Peter is still distributing the things we sent. This tells us that he did not just 'dump' what we sent to get it out of the way, but is using it judiciously and prudently to make an impact where it is needed. This is why we work with Pastor Peter, and others like him.

I am going over in two weeks and need to take over library rent, money to set up the computer center, in addition to the usual needs of food and more food as prepare for the Christmas holidays. Can you help me with the needs there at this time?  You can send a contribution using my website or by sending a tax-deductible check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882. I depart on October 7, so please act today. Thank you and God bless you!


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