Pearl 241: Sleepless Nights
August 29, 2013
TOPIC: Time and Sleep
"Rather, as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: in great endurance; in troubles, hardships and distresses; in beatings, imprisonments and riots; in hard work, sleepless nights and hunger;" - 2 Corinthians 6:4-5.
At times Paul had to forfeit sleep in order to respond to and finish the work God had put before him to do. In other words, he put a higher priority on his work than sleep. Of course there were times he had no choice, like when he was involved in the troubled trip to Rome in Acts 27. While no one likes the feeling that comes from lack of sleep, it is also a chance to trust God for the energy one needs to carry on in that day or season. Are you willing to lose sleep to finish the jobs God gave you to do, or to meet the needs of others? Can you trust Him for the energy and stamina you need for your work? What could you do with an hour or two less sleep from time to time?
Lord, I realize that You sometimes require that I work into the night, requiring me to lose sleep. That may mean I need to put the needs of others ahead of my own rest time. I trust You to direct my schedule and also for the energy I need to do the work, even when my sleep time is less than optimal.